Treatment for methamphetamine addiction

As the epidemic of meth use spreads across the country, researchers have learned two lessons countless times: Meth ruins lives. Treatment works.

Users who seek treatment and commit themselves to recovery have an excellent chance at success.

The challenge of withdrawal

Meth is a stimulant that hooks users with feelings of euphoria and bursts of energy. It can also cause:

  • Extreme agitation

  • Hallucinations

  • Delusions

  • Strong feelings of paranoia

  • Aggression that makes users more susceptible to violence and even suicide

Long-term users are also vulnerable to serious health problems, including:

  • Heart trouble

  • Stroke

  • Aortic dissection

  • Severe tooth decay from a combination of factors that can include teeth grinding, dry mouth, oral exposure to toxic chemicals and a craving for sugary drinks 

  • Damage to dopamine receptors in the brain, making it harder and harder for users to experience pleasure and causing deterioration of memory skills

Because meth causes the sympathetic nervous system to go into overdrive and damage organ systems, many chronic meth users may have a wasted appearance and look years or decades older than they really are.

If a person keeps taking meth, addiction often follows. The body becomes accustomed to the drug, and quitting becomes a monumental task -- for both the user and the people around him. At this point, willpower or good intentions alone may not be enough to break the habit. When addiction sets in, professional help may be the best way out.

The real obstacle to recovery is the misery that goes along with withdrawal. Giving up meth may leave people facing months of:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Confusion

  • Perhaps even bouts of psychosis

Helping them weather this rough patch is the key to treatment.

Multiple approaches

The most successful treatment programs take a multipronged approach to recovery. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the gold standard for treatment is the Matrix Model, an intensive four-month program that has helped tens of thousands of users of meth or cocaine in the last few decades.

During the Matrix Model's program, clients see counselors several times each week for intensive therapy sessions. The goal is to help recovering addicts cope with their depression and anxiety while teaching them how to avoid relapse. Participants learn how they've become addicted to the drug, how they've been affected, how to avoid using the drug and what to do if they return to it. Most of the therapy takes place in groups, but clients also see counselors one-on-one; they're encouraged to bring family members to speak with the counselors as well.

When the four months are up, people who use meth go through another nine months of social support group sessions with other people trying to break the habit. Research shows that more than 60 percent of those who completed the program managed to quit the drug.

One of the most important goals of treatment is helping patients identify and avoid "triggers," the people, places, things and situations that can ignite a sudden craving for meth. Those who are recovering have found that going to places where they used to get high or hanging out with friends who still use meth are often surefire recipes for relapse. Some triggers aren't quite so obvious. If a person used to get high every payday, just the sight of a large wad of cash might overwhelm their desire to stay off the drug.

Positive reinforcement is another pillar of treatment. Whether it's a simple word of encouragement or prizes such as movie tickets or dinner vouchers, rewards can help recovering people who use meth stay on track. Even small incentives can significantly increase the chances that a person in recovery will stay drug-free for longer periods.

People who use meth need ways to withstand the depression and anxiety that plague them during withdrawal. Preliminary research suggests that antidepressant medications such as bupropion may help to improve mood and reduce cravings, but it's too soon to know how effective they might be in helping people avoid a drug relapse.

That's why most treatment programs rely heavily on cognitive behavioral therapy, a drug-free approach to depression and anxiety that helps push aside negative, self-destructive thoughts while giving the recovering addict practical advice for avoiding relapse. For example, clients are reminded that strong, unpredictable emotions are a natural part of recovery and not a sign of failure. They're also encouraged to talk with a supportive friend or counselor if they feel their resolve slipping.

New lifestyle

Before treatment even starts, clients are asked to sign a statement declaring that they won't use any substances, including alcohol. Those who are recovering and continue to drink are eight times more likely to take up meth again. Alcohol weakens willpower, and bars and bar-goers are often powerful triggers for meth use. If needed, clients can receive extra counseling to help them quit drinking.

Quitting alcohol and avoiding other meth triggers usually requires wholesale lifestyle changes. For this reason, those who are recovering generally don't get far without help from family and close friends. The best treatment programs -- including the Matrix approach -- involve family members or partners in some therapy sessions.

Close relatives are taught that their emotional support can make the difference between success and failure. They also learn how to help clients avoid the triggers that can lead to relapse. Above all, they learn that they must avoid alcohol or other drugs when they're with the client. A client living with someone who refuses to quit drinking or using meth may have to move out, at least for a while.

When outpatient approaches don't work

Methamphetamine is such a dangerous addiction that sometimes inpatient hospitalization may be necessary to treat long-term meth dependence.

One drug used to treat alcoholism shows promise, according to one small study. Researchers at UCLA found that in people who were treated at a hospital for meth addiction and took the drug Naltrexone saw a significant reduction in their cravings for methamphetamine.

But inpatient methamphetamine treatment is important for people who need round-the-clock supervision and extra structure. It's easier to stop using a drug if you're removed from tempting (and possibly hazardous) situations. The problem, according to UCLA substance use literature, is that "medically managed inpatient care is expensive, and widespread meth abuse has appeared in impoverished populations with very limited access to such inpatient resources."

Better access to in-patient treatment would help patients at the highest risk. Hypothetically, so would drugs that could help patients through recovery -- but unfortunately, as literature from the UCLA substance use program notes, "there are no medications that can reliably reduce the paranoia and psychotic symptoms that frequently contribute to episodes of dangerous and violent behavior associated with meth use."

More options for treatment -- and better access to it -- will make it easier to beat the addiction. More than 11 million Americans have already given up the drug.

Source: HealthDay