Intoxication at work

An often-troublesome concern for supervisors is what to do when an employee is under the influence of alcohol or intoxicated at work. The following is a list of steps that can be taken in dealing with such a situation. Though not all steps would be appropriate in all situations, most would be applicable.

Actions in the workplace

If the employee is performing, or required to perform, safety-sensitive duties such as driving vehicles, using heavy equipment, working around explosives or weaponry or performing patient care activities, they must be restricted from performing these duties.

If the employee is willing and the organization has a health unit, they may be sent there for observation or a possible assessment. Health unit personnel may be able to offer a medical judgment that, in their opinion, the employee is intoxicated. They may also be able to conduct a voluntary alcohol test, most likely with an evidential breath tester (EBT). 

Consider contacting the EAP. The counselor may be able to assist in any immediate assessment or may be at least able to talk to the supervisor immediately. Even if the EAP counselor cannot see the employee immediately, EAP personnel should be informed of the situation. 

Be sure to refer the employee to the EAP after they return to work.

If the employee is disruptive to the workplace, you should remove them from the immediate worksite. This may involve taking the employee home or at least to some other safe location. 

An employee who is physically resisting should be dealt with by security or local police. The employee should not be sent home alone or allowed to drive. Considering having a family member take the employee home would be appropriate. A taxi is also an option. Note that there could be some serious liability issues involved here, so it is important to consult with Human Resources, Employee Relations and the legal counsel’s office.

It is important to immediately and accurately document in writing what has transpired. Record all the events that led to sending the employee home, especially if any disciplinary action is necessary. It is important to work with the EAP and employee relations staff and keep them informed of such events because the quality of the information they receive from you impacts the quality of their advice and service.

Things to avoid

Avoid being an “enabler,” someone who allows the employee to continue their addiction without being held responsible for their actions. Supervisors who enable their employees often think that they are being kind when actually they are hurting the employee with an alcohol-use disorder by letting them continue to engage in self-destructive behaviors. 

In addition, failing to hold the employee accountable can have a negative effect on co-workers’ morale. Examples of supervisory behavior that might be considered enabling include:

  • Covering up for the employee

  • Lending the employee money

  • Allowing the employee’s spouse, rather than the employee, to call about the employee’s absence

  • Failing to refer the employee to the EAP

  • Shifting the employee’s work to other employees

  • Trying to counsel the employee on your own

  • Making excuses to others about the employee’s behavior or performance

  • Adjusting the employee’s work schedule, for example, allowing the employee to continually come in late and make up hours later

Alcoholism is a disease. Employees who suffer from it need assistance and compassion. However, sometimes that compassion must be firm to communicate that while the company is willing to help the employee get assistance, the employee is ultimately responsible for their own rehabilitation, recovery and performance.

 Source: The U.S. Department of Personnel Management