How drug use can turn into an addiction

Millions of people start drinking alcohol socially or take drugs only once in a while. Then, subtly or sometimes suddenly, drug use becomes an addiction. The addicted person cannot step away, becomes dependent and drugs become problematic. Use becomes a full-on addiction, leaving loved ones and sometimes the addicted person wondering, “How exactly did that happen?” 

What is drug addiction? 

It can be challenging for those who don’t have a substance use disorder to understand how or why some people become addicted to drugs. There’s a misconception that people who are addicted simply lack willpower or morals. It is incorrect to assume people who are addicted can just quit if they just choose the right path. 

Addiction is “a brain thing.” When a person does something they like, the human brain is wired to make us want to repeat that enjoyment. Think about the kids who ride roller coasters repeatedly for the thrill. People who go to scary movies always seek the same excitement they had when they were first shocked or frightened while watching such a film. 

This is also true for people who misuse drugs. Drugs can make people feel good, and they excite the parts of the brain that trigger good feelings. But just like the 50th ride on a roller coaster or the scary movie that becomes predictable, people’s brains become accustomed to a drug after a while. 

Those seeking the excitement and great feelings they once had will now require more of that drug to try and get the same effect. After some time, the brain chemistry changes, and it will start registering this drug as a regular thing. If someone with a substance use disorder stops, they will feel horrible without the drug and become physically ill. 

The transition to addiction 

There is no magic key to pinpointing what changes drug use to addiction. Because everyone’s body and biological makeup are different, it’s hard to state with any certainty how much is too much and what might put someone over the edge and into addiction. 

Development and environmental factors also come into play. What a person learns while growing up and where they grow up is influential. Family, friends, peers and economic status or overall quality of life are also part of the mix. 

Plus, many types of drugs are out there, and some are much more addictive than others. Taking a few aspirins may not cause addiction, but a few injections of heroin likely will. 

Tolerance, however, is one key to recognizing addiction. When an individual begins increasing a dose or taking more frequent doses, it is a sign of being chemically dependent. Drug use becomes an addiction when the user loses control over their substance use and begins drug-seeking behaviors. It becomes impossible to resist use, and they will compulsively seek ways to get what they need.