Financial toll of living with a drug addict

Drug addiction impacts a person’s physical, mental and emotional health and is also a financial toll. The cost amounts to more than just money spent on substances but also on activities surrounding drug use and often lost wages as well. It’s not just the person using drugs who feels the impact; families also get hit with this heavy economic burden. 

Staggering costs 

Americans are estimated to spend about $100 billion on illegal drugs annually. The cost of buying these substances can add up quickly, primarily when someone uses drugs every day (or many times throughout the day). Then, as tolerance increases, getting that high costs more and more. 

For example, a “gateway drug” like marijuana costs about $15 per gram. Since a high only lasts a few hours, someone may consume more than a gram daily. Thus, spending $30 to $60 a day may become common. In a year, it’s possible to spend as much as $21,000 or more on marijuana. 

Harder drugs like heroin cost an average between $15 and $20 for a single dose. The effects of this opioid often diminish after just a few hours. Because heroin users can quickly build up a tolerance, that person could soon be spending as much as $200 or more every day just to maintain the new “normal” that their body is seeking. 

Additionally, spending that much to keep from getting physically ill is necessary. Getting high on heroin might cost even more because someone using substances has to break through that tolerance level. Methamphetamine, cocaine, benzodiazepine, Ecstasy, Oxycodone, Percocet and Vicodin all have similarly high financial costs associated with them. 

How drug use takes an overall financial toll 

The economic impact of drug use that people with substance use disorders, their families and friends face isn’t something people start tallying up. Perhaps that is because it’s much too challenging to do for all the costs that are really involved. The actual price is not just for the substance. It is also about the money associated with: 

Vehicle expenses. It may be necessary to drive to locations such as other neighborhoods or even to out-of-town doctors or emergency rooms to secure drugs. There is a cost for gas and car maintenance. Additionally, when someone uses the money to pay for drugs, other necessary bills get pushed aside. If that person has a car payment, that may lapse, causing a late fee. 

Careless spending habits. Squandering money can also be a rush that is associated with a high. It doesn’t take long for such poor money management to go awry. For someone with a substance use disorder, it’s possible to use up an entire life saving to fund an addiction. 

Job loss. When someone is addicted to drugs, they may come in late, use drugs at work or never even show up for work. Employers do not tolerate drug use. Many drug users lose their jobs and their legal source of income. 

Divorce. It is common for drug addiction to destroy relationships. If someone with a substance use disorder is married, their spouse may file for divorce. Going to court, alimony and child support can be very costly. 

Legal fees. When a person is addicted to drugs, they will stop at nothing to get the funds needed to feed the addiction. Shoplifting, theft, forging signatures on prescriptions and driving under the influence are just some illegal activities that can get someone arrested. These crimes incur expenses like bail and attorney fees. 

Health care. Drug addiction can lead to a variety of healthcare needs. For example, someone who drives under the influence can be injured in an accident. There is a higher risk of being shot or injured during a drug deal. Overdosing is also possible. Being addicted to drugs also leads to other serious health problems; it’s not unusual to be hospitalized for liver, kidney, heart or brain damage. If and when someone decides to get clean, rehabilitation programs cost money. 

Funerals. It’s a sad reality, but many people with substance use disorders die due to their addiction. The average funeral cost can range from $6,000 to more than $10,000. Loved ones who likely have already had their wallets hit with expenses must take on one more final financial burden.